Category: Cheap

Copenhagen, love at first sight
It's been so long since i had the "post-travel blues". I visited so many beautiful cities, but for Copenhagen it's been love at first sight!
Cardiff and the Doctor
Ok, I admit it. First time I saw Cardiff it's been in a Doctor Who episode :D
50 shades of autumn
Autumn is the best season to visit London. No, maybe winter, during the Christmas period. No no no, it's summer, with the warm sun and gentle breeze! Ok ok ok...any time is a good time to take a walk in this beautiful city!
Ginger Cambridge
Cambridge is a freckled redhead, wearing an orange woollen scarf. She carries books, walking thoughtfully on an sheet of yellow leaves.
Such a holiday, Zakynthos! August 2008, the summer when we reached the peak of people leaving all together: 16 guys, friends or not didn’t matter. Now, imagine the fights, loves, accidents, laughter, the teases that attended our 10 days together :)
Lisbon and its fascinating history
From Wikipedia: “At the beginning of the eighteenth century , with an estimated population of about 250,000 residents, Lisbon was one of the largest cities in Europe.On 1 November 1755 , around 9.40 am, when many people were busy to attend the Mass, there was an earthquake with a magnitude estimated at around 9 º Richter scale...
Amsterdam at Christmas
When i used to live in Italy, Christmas holidays with my family were so common that i felt like doing something different…going to Amsterdam, for example! I would never have thought I now pay a lot to sit at that table! :D
Hvar, the beginning of everything
Hvar was the perfect holiday, the ideal place for me and all my 9 travelling friends. Hvar involved the beginning of a new life, a big love and a lot of new friends, the reinforcement of the relationship with my brother and my cousin. Hvar was THE holiday!
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